About Me

Ballarat, Victoria, Australia
In 2012 I moved back to my home town of Ballarat in Victoria, Australia. Join me as I re-discover Ballarat, one of Victoria's largest inland cities, famous for the Goldfields. You may be a resident, tourist or new comer to Ballarat. I hope to provide you with useful information about Ballarat as I re-discover my home town. I will also provide information on places which are a short drive from Ballarat. So residents and visitors come and discover Ballarat with me.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Springfest Market Weekend (3rd - 4th November 2012)

Okay, who loves a good market?  I do.  This year the Springfest Market Weekend will be held on Saturday 3rd November and Market Sunday, 4th November 2012.  Located at the Lake Wendouree Precinct, there will be an array of stalls including food, art, craft, fashion, health, beauty, toys, plants and more!  I am so excited and have marked it in my diary already.  Why not make a weekend of it and come to Ballarat?  There is so much to do and so much to see here in Ballarat.

For more information on the Springfest Market Weekend:  www.ballaratspringfest.com.au

Location: Wendouree Parade, Lake Wendouree, Ballarat.

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